Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Catching Up With K.J. Bryen

I recently had the pleasure of asking author, K.J. Bryen, a few questions about her debut novel Lokte and prequel short story, Unlocked. Check it out below.

Tell us a little about yourself?

I'm a passionate writer who works at a news station by day, a writer by night. I love pretty much all genres, but my favorites are YA, fantasy, Christian, and thrillers. If I could accomplish anything with my writing, it would be to have an emotional impact on others. Other than that, I'm married to an awesome husband, have two crazy dogs, and spend my down time watching my favorite t.v. shows.

You've recently released Unlocked, a prequel to your debut novel Lokte, can you tell us a little about the story, and when can we expect Lokte?

Unlocked explores the backstory of one of the secondary characters in Lokte, and incorporates other characters from the novel. Here is the description:
New York, 1985.

Sophia Parks is used to battling demons. But when she is approached by a girl who needs help banishing a demon, Sophia struggles to help her, and must go up against the most powerful demon she's ever faced. To fail might mean losing everything she loves . . .

Lokte comes out this Friday, September 12.

What was your inspiration for Lokte?

I honestly can't remember. It is an idea I got several years ago, and I just knew I had to write it.

What's the hardest obstacle you've faced in becoming a self-published author? And how have you overcome it?

So far? Time. I never dreamed how much time it would take to self-publish. There is so much involved in it, and working a full-time job on top of it, it can be really hard to get everything done and not go crazy. I think I've been managing pretty well overall though. All I can really do is use my spare moments to write, and take breaks when I need them.

What have you learned from the experience of publishing Unlocked and Lokte?

I have learned just how much work goes into following one's dream. It's a lot, but in the end, knowing that my work is out there and can be enjoyed by others is just a huge blessing. I also have learned to have a real respect for all writers. Even if I don't like a novel that I read, I'm much less judgmental now that I know all the work that is involved in just creating it.

What are you currently reading?

Right now I'm reading the third book in the Gemma Doyle series (by Libba Bray), The Sweet and Far Thing. I love this series, but the third book is over 800 pages O.O It might be a while before I finish it!

How do you stay productive? Daily word count? Goals?

I have a daily word count of 1000 words. I wish I could take on more, but definitely not possible right now. Well, my primary goal is to be a full-time writer! But my immediate goals would be to just start building a loyal readership. That in itself would be wonderful.

If you could ask one person, one question, who would the person be and what would the question be?

Oh gosh, that's a hard one! The only thing I can thinking of is that I kind want to ask J.K. Rowling why so many people in the seventh Harry Potter had to die. Seriously, like all my favorite characters died.

What's next for K.J. Bryen?

Well, the first two of my YA Fairy Tale Horror series come out on October first under a different pen name, and after that, the next ones will be released every thirty days. I also am considering a sequel to Lokte, but I'm not sure about that yet. If I decide against it, I'll be releasing a book next year under K.J. Bryen called Nightmare Land.

For a limited time you can get Unlocked for free at Amazon. And you can learn more about K.J. at Twitter